The Value of Management Accounts The value of Management accounts is often something that small business owners don’t understand and therefore don’t implement. Most small business owners are only interested…
HMRC Credit Card Changes As of 31st January 2018 HMRC credit card changes come into effect. That means you can no longer use your credit card to pay for income…
Commercial Debt Management Commercial Debt management on late payment or non-payment of commercial debts can be managed by using the law effectively. The late payment of commercial debts (interest) act…
Directors Loan Accounts If you operate your business as a sole trader, Directors loan account isn’t something you need to worry about. If you are a limited company director and shareholder…
Flat rate VAT scheme changes background Flat rate VAT scheme changes came into effect on the 1st April 2017. HMRC have now completed their consultation phase. Below are what the…
Changes to Dividend tax Changes to Dividend tax came into effect on the 6th April 2016 and again on the 6th April 2018. The effect is those paying themselves dividends and…
Tax Refund "Notification" If you receive an e mail or text message "from HMRC" informing you about "a tax refund notification" ....or indeed anything else, it’s a scam pure and…
Finance Equation Ltd tax return accountant service Self Assessment Tax Return Service. Get It Done In Time To Allow For Tax Planning & Help Us Save You Money. The…
Residential buy-to-let and VAT Residential buy-to-let are VAT exempt. Which means VAT can’t be charged on rents. It also means that VAT can’t be reclaimed on expenses, repair costs, agents…
Family Investment Company & Tax Planning A family investment company and tax planning go hand in hand. Years ago trusts were a tax efficient way to deal with Inheritance tax. Changes…